Friday, July 19, 2013

SIGNificant - Thursday Recap

It was an early morning. Well earlier than usual. Garrett's morning glow topic was about doing something because you know it's right rather than because you want something else to see you doing it. Then we headed out and went our separate ways. We had four different worksites which included World Relief/BEAM, Clara White Mission/Mulch spreading, City Rescue Mission, and Sanctuary on 8th.  We slowly all came back to MUMC after freshening up at the local Y. Right before dinner we hand our third Annual Freshman Wrestling Competition which includes one round of trash-talking and two rounds of on air mattresses knee-wrestling. The winner was never determined. Then we had a scrumptious meal of spaghetti and meat sauce with a side salad and garlic bread. After dinner began the emotional devotion dedicated to the graduates. We discussed in our work groups about the signs from God which we saw throughout our day at our different worksites and them furthered with how we showed our love a our worksites in return. To thank the worksites, we decorated a ceiling tile that symbolized the different ministries. Then the graduates told their significant events or moments during their time with the youth group including mission trips. After that the passage about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples was read and Becky explained the meaning behind it and why it is so important that Jesus washed their feet. Then the counselors washed the graduates' feet, the graduates washed the rising seniors' feet, the rising seniors washed the rising juniors' feet and so on and so forth. There was a lot of hugging, crying, congratulating, and goodbye-ing. After everyone settled down Becky gave out the graduates' gifts. They were crosses made by abused women and every cross had a number. The graduates will take this number and go on the website and tell about how they got their cross. When the time comes, they can give away their cross and let the next person share how they get it on the website. You can track your cross and its experiences this way. Then Becky proceeded to give Luke Christy and Jimbo their crosses and they each shared a part of their lives. By this time it was 11:30 and we hadn't have done our quiet time nor work groups for Friday. We did a short devotion which we journaled about how we were going to be brave when returned back to our lives or going to college. The song we heard was Brave by Sarah Bareilles. We also talked about always pointing to Jesus and how "serving others isn't about showing who you are but showing who God is". We ended with a prayer from Skittles around 12 and the girls finished the night with their tradition of Girl's Night. 

-Maggie Long and Meredith Love

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