Monday, December 12, 2011

Joy to the World

In this season of Advent, we celebrate the joy that is brought to the world by the coming of the Christ child. The camp sunshine Christmas party gives us a chance to share this joy with others who face the harsh realities of a sometimes hopeless world. Seeing Ben and Cam cradle that precious baby Jesus in their arms WAS Christmas for me. For you see the joy in my world this year has been diminished by my mother's hospital stay. So the question is where do you find joy in the midst of pain and suffering. The psalmist says "weeping may linger in the night, but joy comes in the morning"and as Christians we believe it also comes in the "mourning". So I challenge myself to look for the joy like I found at the camp sunshine party, or in my mother's room as Catherine hopped in bed with her and recited the 23rd psalm, and when the congregation sings Silent Night on Christmas Eve we shall rejoice in the coming of the Christ child even if the pew is empty beside me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Dear God,
I pray that gatherings like this would become a constant in our community. It is so important to come together and set aside all differences. This service is beautiful and it encourages me to see all of us gathered.

Prayers of the youth who seek to live in a world of peace.