Friday, June 21, 2013


I Remember...

A man of faith

A heart full of love

The sparkle in his eyes

The day he had his heart attack

Holding Catherine up as high as I could outside so pawpaw could look from the hospital window and see her newly pierced ears

Playing ball outside

Crying the first day of kindergarten because I couldn't go to "work" with daddy

Singing  in the car on road trips.

Him jumping in the pool with his Sunday suit on to scoop me up because I decided to swim!

Going to American legion baseball games all summer long.

Calling him from Gastonia when I had car trouble.

His lesson to give the best you have, not "hominy"

Him going out on Christmas morning, to open the Toy Store to get batteries and Barbies for parents who forgot.

Cheering for UNC  in the stands with him!

Him talking to me before I got a spanking.

Running through a glass door and he finished putting a bicycle together before he came to check on me

Him helping me with math word problems and he always got the right answer.

Filling out my church envelopes on Sunday morning sitting on his lap.

My first paying job was filling up the drink boxes at Blanton's Variety Store

Him coming to my high school games.

That he was calm and reasonable.

The smell of Polo cologne he wore.

Going to toy shows with him and getting the royal treatment.

He came home from the hospital and died peacefully within the week, just the way he wanted.

He told me it would be okay and gave me money to get mother a Valentine's present because he probably wouldn't be here.

The  supply of black and gold crepe paper for antenna streamers at all the home football games at SHS that he donated.

He gave college students jobs to pay for their education.

The long and winding line at the funeral home and the full sanctuary upon his death.

A man coming by our house after daddy died to pay us what he owed my father.  He said, Bill trusted me.

Being angry that Catherine would never really get to know her Papaw

Going to Lake Junaluska with daddy who was a conference delegate for years

These are a few of the things I remember today, but most days I focus on the blessings of my Father because:

He was a Christian.
He was loyal.
He was kind.
He believed in being yourself.
He was fair.
He showed respect to everyone he met.
He loved his family.
He served his country and his community.
He was a good person.

Sent from my iPad

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