Saturday, November 12, 2011

Exploration 2011

We are currently in the air on our way to St Louis, MO. Hannah is earning her flying wings sitting
in the window seat on her first time flying. Laura and Maggs are still deciding if they "enjoy" flying since this is their second time. meg Mal and Becks are the frequent flyers in the group. Already the group has met up with others attending the conference. USA Today has an article regarding the significance of 11/11/11. The number one represents a beginning, with double ones representing a doorway and triple doorways is extra powerful! As a group, we discussed the importance of attending Exploration 2011 on the same day as 11/11/11. Symbolically it represents imagining what you want and achieving it in a powerful way. And for us that power comes from the holy spirit helping us to discern our call. After sharing this story, we joined hands across the aisle and Hannah led us in prayer for our experience together.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even think about you going on that date; how cool! I love the idea of it being doorways...
