Thursday, April 22, 2010

Right Now

This week during our revival services, Judge Jesse Caldwell preached on the familiar passage in John 11. It is the story of Lazarus, who was ill. I have often thought of this story about Mary and Martha’s brother, as a family love story. I have also looked at it in light of Jesus’ friendship with Lazarus because, “Jesus wept.” It is most commonly taught as a miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
But Jesse brought to light a “backside.” Perhaps it is a story of Christian “impatience.” Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to come to Bethany immediately. Instead, He waited four days. Isn’t that just like us to expect Jesus to come when and where we want? Why is it so difficult for us to believe? Jesus was there for Mary and Martha. He did not desert them or turn a deaf ear. Quite the contrary, however, Jesus did make them wait.
Is there something in your life waiting to happen? Maybe it is a career decision, a broken relationship to mend, an upcoming graduation, a baby being adopted? Have you tried pleading with Jesus like Mary and Martha did? They wanted their brother healed sooner, but it took four days. When they had lost all hope, Jesus showed up. And He was right on time for what he had planned.
We are impatient too. We want to be healed and fixed, RIGHT NOW. But it may be four days from now, or four weeks, four years or longer. But Jesus has heard you and he is faithful to respond. Will you be faithful to believe?
Isaiah 40:31 says “Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.”

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