Tuesday, January 1, 2013


How about a Knuckle sandwich?

Back in the day, the term "knuckle sandwich" was used to mean looking for a fight, cruising for a bruising or worst case scenario a blow with the fist to the mouth.

Fast forward to 2013 and knuckle sandwich could mean fist bumps. Who knew the simple act of pumping fists could be the new normal. Just this Christmas, Charlie received a card from one of his students that said " I love how you greet us with a fist punch when we come into class". You have done well when you impress a middle school student! At the Boys and Girls Club the girls want a hug from me and the boys stand in line for fist bumps. They greet me with such excitement! The other day at lunch Kendall, Jim Westmoreland's 2 year old grandaughter, held up her fist and told me "knuckles" when I asked for a hello hug. And at a recent ladies high school basketball game, the captains met the referees with a fist bump rather than the traditional handshake in center circle.

In church ministry, we often resist moving away from traditional to accept a new normal. However, I have learned in youth ministry that the needs are the same just how we communicate is often the difference. So instead of bemoaning the lost art of the handshake or the high fives, embrace the fist bump, it's a term of endearment for youth who still need recognition and relationships with adult role models.

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