Last night at the Teen Trialogue the moderator asked the question "What means the most to you about your faith?" Our Muslim friends mentioned praying 5 times a day, fasting and the responsibility of personal choice.
Our Jewish friends proclaimed their rich heritage, their value on community and making the lives of others better.
One of our Protestant students looked at me after these responses and said I wish we, meaning Christians were that passionate about our faith.
And my answer, we can be! This Lenten journey gives us the opportunity to pray more fervently, to sacrifice something as a reminder of the responsibility of the choices we make everyday, to show up when the community of faith gathers and to live a life of service to others. You see, we are alike in many ways, but how we Live Out Loud our faith is up to us. We have to step it up! Religion is participatory. it is a relationship with God and one another. It is about serving those we like and those we don't like it. It is about standing up for justice even when it is not popular. It is about being kind all the time, not just when we're in a good mood. It is about doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
So I ask you "What means the most to you about your faith?" And how do others know it?
Take the opportunity this Lenten season, to develop a passionate faith.
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