Friday, March 16, 2012

March Madness

March madness has always been one of my favorite times of the year. When I was in Shelby recently, one of my high school friends reminded me of the time we had a UNC party and we served Carolina blue pimento cheese sandwiches. Well I wont be doing that this year, but I will be dialed in to the ballgames. My mother traveled with me to a variety of venues for basketball games. As she marveled at the crowd, her comment was always "wouldn't it be wonderful if our churches were this full on Sunday ". I doubt she was just talking about the sheer numbers, although that would be an outstanding Sunday worship service, but she must have also meant the enthusiasm and excitement surrounding the event. I never watch a game that I don't ponder her words in my heart. My dad often laughed about the number of times we looked at our watch during church hoping it would be over soon. While at a good ballgame, we cheered fervently for overtime!

Now less you think I am selling out March Madness that is not the purpose of this post; however, the dynamics do merit our attention.
Perhaps this Lenten season we should prepare for our spiritual journey the way we get ready for March Madness. Focus on scripture, the way we absorb information about our favorite team. Arrange our schedule to be in church as faithfully as we carve out time for the big dance. And finally, be the catalyst in our community to help everyone achieve their ONE SHINING MOMENT. Who would have thought basketball and faith had so much in common? My mother and father! Thanks for the lessons you are still teaching.

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