Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Night Devotions

We began with a get acquainted game called Toilet Bowl led by the infamous Luke Christy. Following that we watched a video called "The Humans of New York" which reminded us to be patient with people because everyone has a unique story.  We had our own version of this game known as "Humans of Gastonia" where we looked at pictures taken by our own Emily Oden and came up with back stories for the people in the pictures. We then got with our work teams for tomorrow and played am intense game involving candy, toys, rubber bands, plastic wrap, and lots of competitive teenagers. Not only was this exercise fun but it reminded us that we will be unwrapping new things this week but that unexpected things may arise or we may have to wait but that it will all be worth it in the end because we are here to serve a greater purpose.  Next was journaling time where we focused on the scriptures Isaiah 6:8 and 1 Samuel 3:16 which essentially said "Here I am Lord send me." As we journaled we listened to the song "Here I am Lord" and prayed that this week we would look at things with a new view.  To close the evening we prayed "upside down" so that we may see things anew. We were challenged to share the love with everyone we encounter this week.

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