Saturday morning at Valle Crucis

Julia towner, Jillien Zukaitis, Ava smith
After we woke up this morning we headed up to breakfast at about 8. After breakfast we gathered together and learned about teamwork during a scavenger hunt all around Valle Crucis.Then we played a couple quick fun games. We then got together by grades and figured out that God gives us many hints in the bible,we just have to find them. After that each grade level got an old item. The 6th grade a gutter, 7th a trash can, and 8th a box. We restored them to new items. After that we watched a video about an 18 year old girl name Latipha Cross who has overcome homelessness, abuse, cancer two times, bad adoptions, and deaths of family. Things most of us never go through in a life time. She solved her problems by running. In one of her senior year races she wore bright neon shoe laces and socks. We got pink and yellow shoe laces and wrote the verse, psalm 55:22 on them. We also got together by grades and made crosses out of sticks we found outside together. We then went to lunch and ate BBQ!

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