Monday, August 6, 2012

Reflections from 2012 Mission Trip

When I went on this mission trip I had no idea what to expect. I had heard that the trips were some of the best weeks of your life and that they were life changing. I knew the work would be hard and tiring but I was ready. The first day of work I was amazed at how good I felt when I was working and serving others. Yes, I was tired, but it was a happy tired. I met and saw people from all different backgrounds. I saw people who had almost nothing but still had strong faith in the Lord. I saw people who had devoted their lives to spreading the word of Christ and serving others. This trip made me realize how blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for. It was a big eye opener for me. The agencies we served inspired me to come home and try to make my community a better place. My faith grew over this trip and I felt close to God when we would journal at nighttime. This past mission trip was an amazing and, yes, life changing experience and I cannot wait till next year!

-Linnea Jurs

The question was: What Has changed this week about your soul so far?
"I was scared because Philadelphia is known as a rough city. My dad wasn't too supportive about the city. I felt that coming on the Mission Trip was all I needed to do to make a difference. But now after seeing how much the people who work at Sarnelli House and Work to Ride are dedicated to their causes and how appreciative the helped people are, I know that if I want to make a difference, I have to be willing to work for it all the time. Not just one week. When I get home, I want to serve and do stuff in Gastonia that can make a difference all year."

-Sarah Towner

Tuesday July 24th,
Today I worked with a group of about 10 people at the Camden Neighborhood Center. Upon arrival a man named Mike greeted us and gave us a tour around the neighborhood Center. He called himself the Center's "people person", and it was really clear why, for he was a very nice and social guy. He led many of the projects around the center and also dealt with organizing the kids. After the tour, he escorted me and my small group across the road to an empty, overgrown, and trashed lot. Our job was to use tools and a lawn mower to clear the lot as much as we could. This labor was very vigorous and tiring, but during that day I felt I was closer to God than I had ever been before. Secluded from the big city and traffic, my group worked hours upon hours to clear a lot for a totally unknown reason. However, we put our trust in God (and Mike) and made huge progress on the lot. Later, the whole group reflected on what we had done and discussed the differences we had made in just one day. It was a very fulfilling experience, and very pleasing to see the considerable progress the four of us made on such a huge overgrown space that would later be used to expand the Neighborhood Center. As we packed up and headed for the city, I thought about how great of a guy Mike, a stranger we just met, must be. He spends his whole day organizing large amounts of kids, feeding hundreds of homeless people, and offering his faith to the whole community of Camden, all with a great attitude and a smile on his face. It is people like him who inspire us all to be unselfish, loving children of God.
-Jake Rowe

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