Although the group was spread out around Philly and its surrounding areas, each site provided our group with a sense of camaraderie with the citizens we encountered and the love of God being spread in many different ways.
The Blessed Sarnelli House presented the group with many obstacles. They fixed flooring, attempted to hang dry wall, cleaned both houses, finished adding concrete to the brick walls, and fixed dinner for the many people that dropped in.
At The Neighborhood Center in Camden, the youth finished all service projects they were involved with this week and made great progress on turning the gardens into a more enjoyable place for the neighborhood to use, including putting together picnic tables which will allow families to have a safe place to be together.
The Work to Ride crew made tremendous progress on the fence we are building. It's looking great and adds a whole new atmosphere to the barn.
Philabundance was very fast paced and successful. Through the organization of this agency, we were able to sort through and gather over 4 tons of food to be given to citizens all over the community.
The work day finally ended and after a well-deserved shower, we arrived back at the church for a wonderful dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. YUM! The evening consisted of fellowship with one another and our last closing worship. The graduates passed on the tradition of leadership and caring for the youth group to the rising seniors by the symbolic act of washing each others feet. The night was filled with tears, laughter, and the heartfelt speeches made by the graduatedseniors. It was a long day, but the presence of God was surely with us and carried us through.

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