We've worked together all week to show Christ's love to the people of Philadelphia and Camden. These are a few symbols we designed that represent our understanding of communicating the Gospel.
LOL is a common expression among teenagers today but for the youth of First United Methodist Church it took on a whole new meaning after a devotion which encouraged them to Live Out Loud in their faith. This blog is a collection of ways I (and sometimes the youth) have experienced living out loud in faith.
Friday, July 27, 2012
It's Up to You!
After a fun and restful day off, we started our morning with a meaningful devotion given by our rising seniors. They talked about how God will get you through the many challenges life will present to you but with God's trust there is always a silver lining. The devotion was based on the para-olympic runner that although he has no legs, was finally able to qualify and compete in this year's olympic games. He is an example that if you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. It's up to you. We were given a pack of "Up to You" gum to help us remember this. Once morning glow had ended, we were finally on our way to the many different organizations for a long day of hard work.
Although the group was spread out around Philly and its surrounding areas, each site provided our group with a sense of camaraderie with the citizens we encountered and the love of God being spread in many different ways.
The Blessed Sarnelli House presented the group with many obstacles. They fixed flooring, attempted to hang dry wall, cleaned both houses, finished adding concrete to the brick walls, and fixed dinner for the many people that dropped in.
At The Neighborhood Center in Camden, the youth finished all service projects they were involved with this week and made great progress on turning the gardens into a more enjoyable place for the neighborhood to use, including putting together picnic tables which will allow families to have a safe place to be together.
The Work to Ride crew made tremendous progress on the fence we are building. It's looking great and adds a whole new atmosphere to the barn.

Philabundance was very fast paced and successful. Through the organization of this agency, we were able to sort through and gather over 4 tons of food to be given to citizens all over the community.
Although the group was spread out around Philly and its surrounding areas, each site provided our group with a sense of camaraderie with the citizens we encountered and the love of God being spread in many different ways.
The Blessed Sarnelli House presented the group with many obstacles. They fixed flooring, attempted to hang dry wall, cleaned both houses, finished adding concrete to the brick walls, and fixed dinner for the many people that dropped in.
At The Neighborhood Center in Camden, the youth finished all service projects they were involved with this week and made great progress on turning the gardens into a more enjoyable place for the neighborhood to use, including putting together picnic tables which will allow families to have a safe place to be together.
The Work to Ride crew made tremendous progress on the fence we are building. It's looking great and adds a whole new atmosphere to the barn.
Philabundance was very fast paced and successful. Through the organization of this agency, we were able to sort through and gather over 4 tons of food to be given to citizens all over the community.
The work day finally ended and after a well-deserved shower, we arrived back at the church for a wonderful dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. YUM! The evening consisted of fellowship with one another and our last closing worship. The graduates passed on the tradition of leadership and caring for the youth group to the rising seniors by the symbolic act of washing each others feet. The night was filled with tears, laughter, and the heartfelt speeches made by the graduatedseniors. It was a long day, but the presence of God was surely with us and carried us through.

Thursday, July 26, 2012
We "Shore" Did Have Fun Today!
Posing like Rocky |
The next destination was the University of Pennsylvania (U Penn), located in Philadelphia. James Black, a member of our youth group, will be attending the Wharton School of Business in the fall. A lot of us found ourselves pretty jealous, and the bookstore may have won over a few FUMC college applicants. After shopping for a little bit and checking out a few views, we got in the bus for our trip to Atlantic City.
Throwing our seashells-with messages of love- into the Atlantic |
The bus ride gave many of us time to grab a nap. As we came over the bridge leading into Atlantic City, we could see Trump Towers, Caesar's Palace and many other casinos, restaurants and of course, the ocean! We found a spot on the beach and headed off for a few hours of shopping, swimming, football, Can Jam, and/or just relaxing. We then walked as a group to White House Submarines--a restaurant famous for Cheesesteak. We quickly learned that you don't call them PHILLY cheesesteaks when you are at the JERSEY shore! With full bellies, we boarded the charter bus for another nap opportunity.
Female Counselors of the Year |
We love TOMS! |
Becky encouraged us to do the same. Then, she proceeded to tell us a story...Becky told about her journey through her mother's illness and death this year. She spoke of how her Mother is the one who taught her how to love. Before her Mother's death, she told Becky that the money she would leave her was for Becky to use for herself, but that she should do something for someone else as well. Becky considered giving some money to the Boys and Girls Club which is so close to her heart, but then she realized that the group that means the most to her is the youth group at FUMC. She also told us that her Mom loved shoes--that she had left about 30 pairs of espadrille type shoes. This inspired Becky to throw a TOMS "Style Your Sole" party-- a gathering for people to decorate TOMS together and send in pictures that could end up on the website.
Becky purchased a pair of shoes for every member of our group! This also means that TOMS will give 45 pairs of shoes to people in need! Becky said our party was really a "Style your SOUL" party.
![]() |
Styling our Soles and our Souls |
After many tears, we joyfully got to work on decorating our new white TOMS. Some of used quotes from this and previous mission trips, some just created an expression of their personalities. We had a great time just sitting together, talking and either decorating or waiting for an idea to come to us.
We would like to thank Becky and Irene "Mamaw" Blanton for sharing their love of Christ and their love of shoes!
Becks and Cat carrying on Mamaw's Dream |
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Thank You For This Beautiful Day!
We are glad to be back with you. Connecting to WiFi continues to be a challenge at the church where we are staying. We've missed being able to blog and keep you up to date on our Philadelphia Mission Trip. Tonight's blog will bring you up to speed on the past two days of our mission work, bonding time and devotions.
To kickoff our work week we were given handmade pieces of love that were sent by our knitting group at FUMC. The graduates led us in Morning Glow and encouraged us to be knitted together by strong ties of love (adapted from Colossians 2:2). We then divided into groups of 15 and set out to work at three different sites. After orientation at each organization, our mission teams began a long, yet rewarding, day of work.
The group working at The Neighborhood Center in Camden, NJ split up into four smaller teams and accomplished a variety of different task. One unit began to clear an overgrown lot that will be acquired by The Center to use as a community space, as their "neighbors" see fit. This group worked diligently and successfully minimized the 4 foot grass lot into 6 inches of grass by days end. Another group worked during the morning tilling and cultivating the produce garden that provides fresh produce to be used in the Community Kitchen. After this work was completed, the group prepared lunch and served 132 neighbors in the Community Kitchen. Another group did in depth cleaning around The Center that was much needed. A regional UMW member is coming to The Neighborhood Center on Wednesday and this cleaning helped the agency prepare for her arrival. This was much appreciated by the staff as they do not have the time nor the resources to pay for janitorial services. The UMW found The Neighborhood Center so the staff felt it was important to have the place immaculate for her arrival. The team enjoyed numerous successes and enjoyed seeing the progress they had made at days end.
Another group eagerly greeted the founder of Work to Ride at her stable that houses 36 horse. Lezlie is still actively involved in the daily operation. Their biggest need was to repair and paint the existing fence for the horses. Our group learned to use a crow bar, level, power saw, hammer a nail, post hole digger, etc., while constructing the structure. Another group mastered landscaping at the agency by mowing grass, weed eating, pruning trees and mulching. It was truly life on the farm interacting with horses, goats, dogs, cats and children who were there to learn to ride.
Our final group worked tirelessly to up fit an apartment at Blessed Sarnelli Community that will house groups, such as ourself, who provide service. This team divided and conquered several novel tasks, including dry walling and replacing flooring. While there doesn't seem to be much to say in print, the finished product will enable the Gospel to be lived out in one of Philadelphia's poorest communities. (Sorry we forgot to bring our camera to this site today!!)
We were blessed to be able to "act justly, love mercifully and walk humbly with our God."
Monday night we rode the Patco line and attended the Phillies game. The rain refreshed us after a hot work day, then cleared off in time for us to take our seats as the first pitch was being thrown. It was a great respite and community among our youth group continued to build.
Each night of the trip we debrief the mission work with our work teams, discuss a passage from the Bible and close with quite prayer and reflection. Tonight we used a song, "Note to God" to continue the prayer Stuart Albright prayed daily during his summer service trip to The Neighborhood Center in 1999. Each youth completed the following statement, "Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day..."!
Tuesday morning was a familiar sight as we still struggle to get out of bed, eat breakfast and pack lunches in a timely manner. The graduates and seniors lead us in "Morning Glow"to start our day. Today we talked about the invention of the board game Monopoly. It is ironic that it was created shortly after the Great Depression. Could a game of wealth and power be the answer to all their problems? Do we often think that money can buy happiness? Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure lies, there will be your heart also." So only God can fill your heart with love. Thanks to Julie Griffin, Senior High Counselor, for providing Monopoly key chains with this scripture. Our challenge was to go out today and share God's love.
Here are a few scenes from around the worksites of The Neighborhood Center, Blessed Sarnelli Community, Work to Ride and Philabundance.
Thanks to Sweat Fitness, a nearby athletic club, for letting 45 of us invade their facility for showers daily. Tonight we enjoyed a home cooked meal by Jennifer Adams. Thanks to the parents who sent the chicken--we LOVED our chicken tacos!
Our sharing time tonight centered around the theology of the Haves/Have Nots. After several exercises discussing this topic, we were grateful for all we have been given. However, more importantly, we are appreciative that our talents and resources allow us to serve others, particularly this week in Philadelphia. We are also very thankful for our church family that makes these trips possible by their prayers, support and gifts. We closed by reading 1 Timothy 4:12 (the same scripture our congregation read today in their Daily Prayer Guide). We do not think any member for FUMC-Gastonia would look down upon this group because of their youth. In fact, we feel you would be very proud of how they are sharing their gifts with others. Listening to Kind and Generous, individually the group journaled on what people back home would thank them for had they seen them in action today or what a member on their worksite did thank them for. We closed with the following prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for this beautiful day. We want to thank you for so many gifts you gave with love and tenderness. We want to thank you for showing us how to share these with others this week.
To kickoff our work week we were given handmade pieces of love that were sent by our knitting group at FUMC. The graduates led us in Morning Glow and encouraged us to be knitted together by strong ties of love (adapted from Colossians 2:2). We then divided into groups of 15 and set out to work at three different sites. After orientation at each organization, our mission teams began a long, yet rewarding, day of work.
The group working at The Neighborhood Center in Camden, NJ split up into four smaller teams and accomplished a variety of different task. One unit began to clear an overgrown lot that will be acquired by The Center to use as a community space, as their "neighbors" see fit. This group worked diligently and successfully minimized the 4 foot grass lot into 6 inches of grass by days end. Another group worked during the morning tilling and cultivating the produce garden that provides fresh produce to be used in the Community Kitchen. After this work was completed, the group prepared lunch and served 132 neighbors in the Community Kitchen. Another group did in depth cleaning around The Center that was much needed. A regional UMW member is coming to The Neighborhood Center on Wednesday and this cleaning helped the agency prepare for her arrival. This was much appreciated by the staff as they do not have the time nor the resources to pay for janitorial services. The UMW found The Neighborhood Center so the staff felt it was important to have the place immaculate for her arrival. The team enjoyed numerous successes and enjoyed seeing the progress they had made at days end.
Another group eagerly greeted the founder of Work to Ride at her stable that houses 36 horse. Lezlie is still actively involved in the daily operation. Their biggest need was to repair and paint the existing fence for the horses. Our group learned to use a crow bar, level, power saw, hammer a nail, post hole digger, etc., while constructing the structure. Another group mastered landscaping at the agency by mowing grass, weed eating, pruning trees and mulching. It was truly life on the farm interacting with horses, goats, dogs, cats and children who were there to learn to ride.
Our final group worked tirelessly to up fit an apartment at Blessed Sarnelli Community that will house groups, such as ourself, who provide service. This team divided and conquered several novel tasks, including dry walling and replacing flooring. While there doesn't seem to be much to say in print, the finished product will enable the Gospel to be lived out in one of Philadelphia's poorest communities. (Sorry we forgot to bring our camera to this site today!!)
We were blessed to be able to "act justly, love mercifully and walk humbly with our God."
Monday night we rode the Patco line and attended the Phillies game. The rain refreshed us after a hot work day, then cleared off in time for us to take our seats as the first pitch was being thrown. It was a great respite and community among our youth group continued to build.
Each night of the trip we debrief the mission work with our work teams, discuss a passage from the Bible and close with quite prayer and reflection. Tonight we used a song, "Note to God" to continue the prayer Stuart Albright prayed daily during his summer service trip to The Neighborhood Center in 1999. Each youth completed the following statement, "Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day..."!
Tuesday morning was a familiar sight as we still struggle to get out of bed, eat breakfast and pack lunches in a timely manner. The graduates and seniors lead us in "Morning Glow"to start our day. Today we talked about the invention of the board game Monopoly. It is ironic that it was created shortly after the Great Depression. Could a game of wealth and power be the answer to all their problems? Do we often think that money can buy happiness? Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure lies, there will be your heart also." So only God can fill your heart with love. Thanks to Julie Griffin, Senior High Counselor, for providing Monopoly key chains with this scripture. Our challenge was to go out today and share God's love.
Here are a few scenes from around the worksites of The Neighborhood Center, Blessed Sarnelli Community, Work to Ride and Philabundance.
Thanks to Sweat Fitness, a nearby athletic club, for letting 45 of us invade their facility for showers daily. Tonight we enjoyed a home cooked meal by Jennifer Adams. Thanks to the parents who sent the chicken--we LOVED our chicken tacos!
Our sharing time tonight centered around the theology of the Haves/Have Nots. After several exercises discussing this topic, we were grateful for all we have been given. However, more importantly, we are appreciative that our talents and resources allow us to serve others, particularly this week in Philadelphia. We are also very thankful for our church family that makes these trips possible by their prayers, support and gifts. We closed by reading 1 Timothy 4:12 (the same scripture our congregation read today in their Daily Prayer Guide). We do not think any member for FUMC-Gastonia would look down upon this group because of their youth. In fact, we feel you would be very proud of how they are sharing their gifts with others. Listening to Kind and Generous, individually the group journaled on what people back home would thank them for had they seen them in action today or what a member on their worksite did thank them for. We closed with the following prayer:
Dear God,
Thank you for this beautiful day. We want to thank you for so many gifts you gave with love and tenderness. We want to thank you for showing us how to share these with others this week.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
A Magic Day with Ducks
Magic Garden |
Today we experienced an
amazing worship service led by an intern at the church who is going into the
ministry. He talked about not being like
robots, but truly letting God’s light shine through our spirit; to wear love
and kindness, and forgive others because we also need forgiveness.
After lunch, we went to the
magic garden which is an “art garden” made over the span of 14 years. It is made from all recyclable art. It was an amazing sight to see—it must have
taken so much patience and thought.
Finally, we went on a tour of the City of Brotherly Love on a “Duck Tour”. A “Duck” is a vehicle that can go on both land and water. It was pretty cool until one of the tires blew out! We still earned our duck beaks—whistles that quack! Quack! Quack!
We concluded our night with pizza,
games and devotions. Our verse for the
night was Micah 6:8…Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. That is what we plan to do this week!
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