Friday, December 14, 2012

We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.  Matthew 2:2

One of my favorite childhood decorations was a piece of plywood with cut- out stars of different sizes that fit over the entire front door.  Behind each cut- out star was colored cellophane paper with bright lights shining behind them.  You could see those twinkling stars from the highway! 

To this day, it reminds me of the many stars in my life that come in different shapes, sizes, ages, and personalities.  This past week alone I have been blessed by star builders at IHN, wrapping stars at Potter's House, morning prayer stars, college students shining on campuses, elves preparing for children's party, and the littlest angel in the camp sunshine Christmas play.

During this advent season, while  we eagerly await the star that shone bright at Jesus birth, perhaps  you can find a way this Christmas season to make someone else's world a little brighter.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Time is Ticking

I am reading Mitch Albom's book "the time keeper".  I was intrigued by a question he posed which was basically try to imagine a life without measuring time.  So I asked this same question of my senior highs at prayer breakfast.  We all agreed it would be an enormous challenge because we are reminded of time by clocks on the wall, on our car dash, on signage,  and on our iPhones.   Even at church "we chime the hour"!

My favorite part of Albom's observation is that "man alone measures time".  For instance, birds don't care if they're late, dogs don't check their watches and a deer could care less about his birthday.  Human beings  are the ones living in fear of running out of time.

So we closed our time together at prayer breakfast by taking off our watches, promising not to be burdened by time this day and repeating this variation of scripture
                             This is the day the Lord has made
                              Let us rejoice and be glad in it, and
                              Live every minute!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Seasons of Life

One of the things I like most about living in North Carolina is the changing of seasons.  It seems I am always ready for the next period when it arrives. 
When the leaves begin to turn colors and turn loose, temperatures become much cooler and colder, and daylight savings time ends, we are aware of the passage of Summer to Fall, and soon to be Fall to Winter. I marvel at this glorious display of God as Creator.
While the timing of these occasions are fairly predictable, the seasons of our life are not so scheduled.  I'm talking about the period of time when our cups are full or empty or possibly even broken.  The defining moments in our lives when time seems to stand still, move too fast but inevitably marches on.  This is when the God of Comfort shows up.  In the darkest nights of our souls, the bleak mid-winters of our hearts and the bare brittle bones of our emotions, we find peace and hope in Jesus the Christ.    Regardless what "season" we are living, God is faithful.  And that my friends, is a promise you can count on!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday Morning Worship:    "How  U  finish"

We watched a video

The finish of our retreat is based on what we live out down the mountain.  We must use what we have been filled with at  Valle Crucis to share with others about Jesus.

We began the retreat asking a question.  CH--CH.  What's missing?  UR!
But we also learned U can't make a difference, unless U R different!
What makes us different is Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17.  The old has past, and the new has come.  We experience that each time we take communion.  UR faith is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions

Finish: New York Giants Motto

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sticky Faith-Saturday

By: Sarah, Megan, Garrett, and Meredith  

This morning we woke up and had an amazing breakfast. Afterward we took a stress test that allowed us to identify our stresses that we needed to turn around to  "desserts". We picked one of our main stresses and wrote it on a piece of cardboard. We peeled off the layer that we'd written on to uncover the rigid middle part of the cardboard.  Becky taught us"if it's this hard with God in our lives, then we don't even want to consider what it'd be like without Him". Tying this lesson in with a craft, we made knotted blankets to remember that although the many knots represented our problems, we could still wrap up in God's love. We listened to a new song called "Cast Your Cares", based on Psalm 55:22 while everyone was working on their blankets, and four people at a time went to go pray alone with a counselor at different stations. Doing that helped us to remember that we are not alone, no matter what we're going through.  After lunch, we went and shopped in Boone. Unfortunately, many of our alumni youth were tailgating for the Appalachian football game and we did not get to meet up with them. Even though that was disappointing, we still managed to have a good time. When we got back, we were joined by the four seniors who had been taking the SAT. During the free time, the reunited senior group planned their senior skit while everyone else worked on their blankets. When we all met back up in the big room soon after dinner, the seniors performed their skit, which was the best skit ever performed by the Valle Crucis seniors. Ever. The skit was about us deciding on our skit. We each gave an idea, and each idea was shot down by the rest of the seniors. The best "mini-skit" of the skit was the Crazy Train portion, where Garrett starred as the lead dancer. After that, we played a round of the classic Valle Crucis game "Broom Hockey", and some Bible trivia. Becky also gave us certain scenarios that we decided whether or not we agreed or disagreed with and stood on the number line in accordance to how related they were to our "Sticky Faith(s)". . Then we watched a Jeff Foxworthy video clip where he told a story about a man from his Bible study group."This man's mother had passed away and he received $70,000 in insurance money.  Having never had that much money at one time before in his life, he began spending it wildly. He gained a couple girlfriends, and began partying with them, and never stopping. They smoked crack and he stopped going to work, so he lost his job, and was evicted from his apartment. This man and his girlfriends moved around from hotel to hotel with his stuff just smoking crack and partying all the time, and very time they moved, he lost one of his possessions. The man had this special Bible that his mother had written a love letter to him in the front cover when he was a child, and eventually he realized he had lost that too. But he kept partying and smoking crack and eventually the money ran out.  The girls left him, he had no home, no possessions, and he was a crack addict.  He begged for money on the streets just so he could get enough money to pay for crack to get high for a year or so. One day, a man came to him and told him he had a job for him. The man took our man and another homeless man to an old apartment 100 miles away from where they had been begging and asked them to clean it out. The second man worked upstairs, while the first man worked downstairs and threw away the second man's trash. When the first man went upstairs he saw a big pile of stuff that the second man had found while he was cleaning out the apartment. At the bottom of the boiled was this book, and the first man pulled it out and opened it up to find his mother's love letter in the cover. The book was his childhood bible that he had lost while he had been so preoccupied with his party life. That man decided that day that 'If God is chasing me that hard, then I'm just gonna stop running'."  At the point that Jeff Foxworthy was telling this story, the man had been crack-free for 3 years and had a full-time job working to help homeless people get off the streets and back into a healthy lifestyle.  After we watched this video, we broke up into groups of two and discussed it and decorated washers to represent our faith(s).  And then... After a small snack break and the Zilch Prayer... It was time for what all the seniors had been looking forward to, but also dreading.... The Senior Spotlight!!! It was a very touching and moving experience, and definitely not as long as everyone feared it would be. All of the seniors were recognized, not only by the underclassmen but also in a letter from Jimbo. We received our sweatshirts after the spotlight, which creatively say: "CH__CH What's missing?"   So now, mostly everybody has gone to bed. The guys are all down in their little house in the valley, and the girls are all in the big room chatting, and I, Sarah, am sitting out here blogging. It's a beautiful, clear night, the crickets  are chirping and the stars are shining, and I cannot be anything but grateful to  be here in Valle Crucis, and on God's great earth. I am so thankful to be here with all these awesome people in my youth group, both youth and counselors.   Those of you who are reading this that would otherwise be here; you are greatly missed. And those of you who may be reading this blog for the first time, or even have read it multiple times, I have something for you...  CH__CH What's missing? UR. It's your life, whatcha gonna do? The world is watching you.  If God is chasing you this hard, then just stop running. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken (Psalm 55:22 NIV). Do you know why this is? Because as David Christy says, God loves you, and there isn't a doggone thing you can do about it! Good night! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

CH CH...What's Missing?

Closing Devotion by Anne on Friday night

Every heart is either like a rock or sponge. You take a rock and put it in water and When you pull it out, it's wet, the surface has changed, but not the inside. That's what we do when we just attend church, retreats, mission but fail to put our whole self into the opportunities we have. That's a rock heart. But what is the difference if you put a sponge in water? It absorbs, it comes out dripping when you squeeze it. That's the Christ follower. That's the person who is soaking it all in and spreading the love of Christ around. It's UR life, what U gonna do? Retreats give us an opportunity to re- order our lives after the example of Christ so that everyone knows and hears who UR heart beats for each and everyday.
Pictures from our Minute to Win it Games!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

...What You Gonna Do?

Saturday afternoon/evening

Quinn Mallonee, Jacob Hord After lunch, we met in the big room to go to the mast general store. Once we finished at the store we returned to the annex and had free time, it was raining so we had to stay inside. A portion of the group hiked up to the waterfall despite the weather the rest of the group watched Rudy. Once everyone was prepared we went to dinner and ate lasagna. After dinner we had the Miss Valle Crucis pageant where Parker pulled out a victory. After that we played some games and sang some songs. Later we a watched a video about how to be yourself and discussed it in groups. After that we had a very quick snack. Later we had the zilch prayer then came the 8th grade spotlight. Once that was over we handed out our shirts that said "It's Your Life,What You Gonna Do?". Lastly some of the group stayed at the house while the other part went to the graveyard to hear some ghost stories. Finally we all went to our places to sleep.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's Your Life....

Saturday morning at Valle Crucis

Julia towner, Jillien Zukaitis, Ava smith

After we woke up this morning we headed up to breakfast at about 8. After breakfast we gathered together and learned about teamwork during a scavenger hunt all around Valle Crucis.Then we played a couple quick fun games. We then got together by grades and figured out that God gives us many hints in the bible,we just have to find them. After that each grade level got an old item. The 6th grade a gutter, 7th a trash can, and 8th a box. We restored them to new items. After that we watched a video about an 18 year old girl name Latipha Cross who has overcome homelessness, abuse, cancer two times, bad adoptions, and deaths of family. Things most of us never go through in a life time. She solved her problems by running. In one of her senior year races she wore bright neon shoe laces and socks. We got pink and yellow shoe laces and wrote the verse, psalm 55:22 on them. We also got together by grades and made crosses out of sticks we found outside together. We then went to lunch and ate BBQ!