Today we continued our work at Kingdom House. Once again, at the end of the day, as we reflected we realized that we are making a significant difference in the lives of those we meet, building significant relationships with each other in our own group and strengthening the significant relationship we each have with God. There are many ways we could recap this day but we decided the best way to show you first hand how meaningful these trips are to us are to share with you one of our exercises from devotions tonight.
We now present to you each groups Top 10 Reasons to go on a Mission Trip:
Group 1:
10. Luxurious transportation and accommodations
9. Morning Glow/Devotions
8. Bill's Ghost Stories
7. Watching Becky play just dance
6. Life-long friendships
5. Life-long memories
4. The feeling you get from helping others
3. Being Significant to others
2. Growing in our faith
1. Spreading the word of God
Group 2:
10.Trying new things
9. Backrubs
8. Being fed
7. Traveling
6. African Tribal Dancing from the Daycare
5. Leaving Problems at Home
4. Barnacle
3. Becoming closer
2. Becky!/Counselors
1. Growing with God
Group 3:
10. To get dirty
9. Unique shower situations
8. To get away
7. See new places
6. Meeting people from different backgrounds
5. Bond with friends
4. Find out about yourself
3. Be significant
2. Do God's work
1. Spread the love of God
Group 4:
10. Barnacle/FMWI
9. Wednesday
8. Unlimited amount of fast/junk food
7. Getting' out of G-town
6. Bus Rides
5. Unforgettable memories and experiences
4. Live Out Loud
3. Finding significance in being significant
2. Relationships with God, each other, people in community and ourselves
1. Make a difference in the lives of others.
Group 5:
10. Because you will never be lonely in the shower
9. To master the game Just Dance 2
8. To run head first into a wall
7. To sleep on an inflated air mattress and wake up on the ground
6. To make friends you'll have for life
5. A front seat to the FMWI
4. To learn to be flexible
3. To be with Julie for a week
2. To make a significant difference
We have had another successful and significant day. We are a "special kind of tired" but it has all been well worth it. We look forward to a day of rest and relaxation tomorrow as we explore the city of St. Louis and continue building friendships with one another. We want to thank you for your continued prayers and support--with your help we have been able to show our faith to others here in the "Show Me State" of Missouri.
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