Sunday, April 24, 2011


What a privilege to walk the labyrinth once again. It is an ancient prayer tool used to experience God's voice in your life as you are walking the spiritual path. For me, it provides a rare opportunity to get off the treadmill of life and enter into a place of sanctuary. The walks, the turns, the other people, the straight paths are symbolic.

How can I not be changed every time I walk the labyrinth. Yes, it is the same journey, but I am at a different place in my journey each time I walk it. On Thursday, the middle school students from the Boys and Girls Club participated. On Tuesday morning, Jim's study group and a host of others throughout the week. I walked on Wednesday night with our senior highs which included 2 seniors and a sophomore at the time I was walking. At times we were side by side, yet at other times we were on separate paths. The tenth grader walking with us appeared to be waiting her turn literally and figuratively to step up in leadership.

Where was my place in each person's life,in the youth group and most importantly my own spiritual journey. As I centered myself in the middle of the labyrinth, those persons with me took time to hug, to hold hands, to pray, to affirm, to be still. I returned to the prayer path with rest and renewal from my business. I appreciate the life parallels depicted in the practical walking of the labyrinth. I am inspired by the voice of God as I pray prayers of thanksgiving,petition,restoration, and reconciliation. This Holy Week experience warms my heart and gives witness to my faith. I can't explain the resurrection only the power the story holds for me. Because He lives, I shall live also.


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