Greetings from Cameron Williams, Abbey Horne and Megan Freeman.
To start off our day the ladies had a very unexpected wake up call around 7 am. The garbage trucks came for its routine pick up and noisily disposed of the trash right outside of their window. Even though it wasn't the average wake up call, it managed to get all of them up at once in a very swift manner. Our morning glow was presented by Brittany Helm and Chandler Caldwell. They incorporated the lyrics of the song World-5 for Fighting with the idea that life is what it is because of what you make it. With that concept in mind, they then asked " What kind of world would you want or make using a blank canvas?" Even though we are at different places in our lives, we have all gotten there from our own decisions, and the way we live out our lives. Our Canvas is painted with the choices and decisions we have made throughout our lives and will always represent what type of world we want.
The playground team " gold diggers" got down and dirty with the continuing demolition of yesterdays work. The morning dew made it extra muddy but that didn't stop them from working hard and getting the job done. After numerous attempts at getting the cement out of the ground, the gold diggers were losing steam and finally took matters into their own hands. An equipment upgrade was made and the bobcat was introduced to the team. It soon brought back the spirit to the playground and it is now left standing with four poles to go.
The fence group preceded to go on and work on the progress of removing and digging holes. They started the fence building by digging 10 holes 3 feet deep. This will be the foundation of the new fence that will soon be put in.
The day camp group awaited for all the kids to arrive. Breakfast started around 8 :45 and the day quickly moved on from there. The camp councilors and the kids joined in on several group activities consisting of : hula hooping, side walk chalk math, sing and dance alongs, and several crafts.
The garage group was put together by Becky and our new friend Darrell. Their task was to take a cluttered garage filled with home depot donations and transform it into a properly organized shed. The team worked together by moving all the objects out of the garage and with Becky's wonderful organizational skills, sorted everything inside. With everything in catatorgies, the garage team quickly, but efficiently, put everything back into the garage.
The Demolition team removed a kitchen sink and cabinets and a wall bookcase unit. They then finished by putting down a wooden floor to allow the secretary to rearrange her office space.
The Wall Paper Group continued to strip the wallpaper inside of a house. They made great progress and have now just about finished stripping the entire downstairs. A lot of work is still to be done but with the work ethic we have maintained we will knock it out in no time!
After a long hard day of work, we got the pleasure of being able to go to the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball Game against the Texas Rangers. It was a very exciting game despite the loss from the Tigers. We stayed until the top of the 8Th inning but our game was quickly cut short due to an unexpected rain storm. Everyone enjoyed the game and the bonding time it presented to the group.
For evening devotions each group was given a blank canvas to draw a picture of their days work and then shared their days experiences with the entire youth group reflecting on what they desired their worlds to look like. As a part of the devotions today everyone was asked to journal about what kind of world they wanted and then closed the evening again using their prayer beads thanking God for using them to create the world they wanted.
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