Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The season of Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday service in FUMC Sanctuary at 6:30pm and continues through Easter.

The conversation about what to "give up" for Easter will begin to happen this week. In some ways, I feel we have "watered down" the Lenten experience by focusing so much on what to give up! Lent is also a call to be disciplined in our spiritual life. It's not enough to give up chocolate, soft drinks, fast food, etc. if you don't give time and energy to prayer and reflection on scripture.

At prayer breakfast, senior highs received a personal prayer from Colossians for each day of February. Let this begin your daily practice of scripture and prayer. Parents, friends, others can see Becky if you would like a copy to guide you as well.

I hope each of you will choose to go deeper this Lenten season. Throw yourself "wholly" (what you give up physically) and "holy" (what you anticipate God doing) into Lent.

Prayer: Dear God, Be with me on this Lenten Journey. Create in me discipline and stability of faith in You.

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