Saturday, February 27, 2010


  • 5 little monkeys jumping in my head, 1 fell down and now there are ...
  • 4 little monkeys jumping in my head, 1 fell down and now there are ...
  • 3 little monkeys jumping in my head, 1 fell down and now there are ...
  • 2 little monkeys jumping in my head, 1 fell down and now there is ...
  • 1 little monkey jumping in my head, 1 fell down and now there are ...
  • No more monkeys jumping in my head!!!

Have you found your five minutes of quiet this week?

Our Sr. Hi Bible Study is using Henri Nouwen's Lenten Devotion. We were reminded at Wednesday night's study how important the discipline of prayer is in our lives. Without prayer we become deaf to the voice of love and become confused by the many competing voices asking for our attention.

Does your inner life reflect a "barrel of monkeys" jumping in your head? I challenge each of us to find half an hour, or five minutes to "be still", without talking to someone, listening to music, watching TV, texting or reading a book. In this solitude, may we hear the comforting voice of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So Others Might Eat

In 2000, the youth of FUMC traveled to Washington, DC for our Summer Mission Project. In the heart of the nation's capital the dichotomy of wealth and poverty can be seen within a few city blocks.

One of our favorite locations to serve was D C Central. This food recovery program began in the trunk of one man's car dedicated to traveling the city to dignitary's gatherings to save the left over food. This man's vision has grown to include trucks picking up food donations, persons being trained in food services and meals delivered to shelters throughout the city. The labor at D C Central is provided by recipients of the food. This is yet another benefit of this organization because it empowers the people to be trained in food services so they have a marketable skill when they leave the shelter.

This experience left Mark and Angie Hollar(members of our delegation) knowing they had to do more. Upon returning to Gastonia, the conversations began. The youth who had witnessed this program first hand joined Mark and Angie in taking the leftover food from UMYF to Cornerstone Christian Ministries. We encouraged other church groups to do the same.

However, wide our vision was at the time none of us had the resources required to implement a project of this magnitude. But the desire still burned in Mark and he was able to connect with a principal and student at Highland School of Technology to explore this food recovery program. Amanda, an outstanding student was persistent and thorough in research and red tape; however, she graduated before the project could get off the ground. Had we hit another dead end? Not to worry! A very capable Highland student was summoned to the Principal's office! It was our own Clay Hackney. Not because he was in trouble, but because he had the desire and drive to complete this project.

I am happy to report that in January 2010, food recovery began at Highland School of Technology. The food left from lunch in the cafeteria is boxed and donated to As One Ministries.

So to Mark and Angie and the other members of the 2000 FUMC mission trip thank you for your vision. It is never to late to see your dreams come true!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The season of Lent begins next week with Ash Wednesday service in FUMC Sanctuary at 6:30pm and continues through Easter.

The conversation about what to "give up" for Easter will begin to happen this week. In some ways, I feel we have "watered down" the Lenten experience by focusing so much on what to give up! Lent is also a call to be disciplined in our spiritual life. It's not enough to give up chocolate, soft drinks, fast food, etc. if you don't give time and energy to prayer and reflection on scripture.

At prayer breakfast, senior highs received a personal prayer from Colossians for each day of February. Let this begin your daily practice of scripture and prayer. Parents, friends, others can see Becky if you would like a copy to guide you as well.

I hope each of you will choose to go deeper this Lenten season. Throw yourself "wholly" (what you give up physically) and "holy" (what you anticipate God doing) into Lent.

Prayer: Dear God, Be with me on this Lenten Journey. Create in me discipline and stability of faith in You.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Keep your eyes open this week for different types of crosses on church buildings, in hospitals, or jewelry. Sometimes cross shapes just happen in unexpected places. If you have a copy of my book "The Positive Place" notice how if you open the book, lay it face down as if holding your place, you will notice the bold lines are in the shape of the cross. This was intentional to represent the intersection of my faith and life experiences. Think about your favorite symbols and what they represent about you. As you see different type crosses this week is God trying to tell you something? Let me know what, when and where you see the crosses.